March 20, 2015



I call my self to you as Little Monster.

Dont ask me my age, i wont tell you! haha! I'm majoring Chinese Literature, study two semesters at Hainan Normal University, two semesters at Fujian Normal University and this is my last semester at Al-Azhar Indonesia University. I'm trilingual, Bahasa, Chinese and English, and still learning other two, Korean and Japanese. Stay at Karawaci, Banten, Indonesia for now and sometimes do freelance as interpreter Chinese-English-Bahasa.

Specially have interest in fashion, so I decided to start this blog. beside for my thesis, this blog also how me showed my passion to be designer, Baby-Child Fashion Designer, the owner of Dr.EN Monster brand. That's will be my dream's goal! start from finish my bachelor's thesis!

Little Monster


  1. Hallo there, Monster...
    I'm a Wildflower, so nice to meet you.
    So, i know you since high school and every story that i wrote, i always described you as Famous Designer, and now i hope that you'll be the one someday...
    I know, you'll be passionate in this way and you always know, that we (you know, i and the other one Kuntilanak, lol) always support you.

    Way to go, Dear Monster...

    From your Wildflower, Ran

  2. Hoooy, potato..
    Finally, you got your blog style! Keep goin' girl!!
