September 23, 2015


Summer just passed, but memories of the beaches still remain prettily in our mind. Especially the beautiful shells which picked up from there, fetching and lovely. I would love to share my idea, use these shell to making attractive ear-drops. 

These are all you need, such easy things to find! ;)

If you need to punch the shell, I suggest to use PCB drill. It's more smaller than mini drill, then cheaper. 

First, take a hook and link it with the chain, as long as you like (2.5 centimeters for me). This was the picture of mine.

Take a headpin and put some shell stones. Make circle headpin at the other side. Link it with the first one.

Use a small ring to link a shell with the hook. Holla! New Ear-drop!

Repeat the step to make a pair of this. But, in my case, I prefer make different one as this ear-drop's pair. I repeat the step until get shell stones linked to the chain.

Then, take a headpin, put some breads on its, and make a circle headpin at other side. link it with chain and link other side of chain with the hook.

Its gonna outed like this...

What do you think? Well, I'm quite satisfied, also made other version of this. I'll love to hear and see yours!

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